Day 11 28/02/25 (Dave H)

We started today by reflecting on beauty and how we have seen it in the people we have met and places we have been. Despite the poverty and daily challenges faced by almost everyone, beauty shines out in abundance.

After breakfast we put together, with military-level organisation (thanks to Julie and Helen), gift bags to give to the new first year Ugandaid students. The bags comprised various items needed to help them settle in, including soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, notepads, pens, pencils and pair of pants!

After lunch, we took the bags, along with the metal trunks and vacuum flasks purchased earlier in the week, over to NVI where we awaited the new students. After a short welcome speech from Christine and Steve, the team distributed all the bags, trunks and flasks and then watched on as the students decorated them with paint and stickers. We then had time to relax with the students, chatting and singing together, to bring to an end a special afternoon.