Day 3 20/02/25 (Alayna)

It’s been a long and once again wonderful day. After morning garden time, we decorated the library at NVI, finishing painting a base layer and starting on coat number 1. The weather called for scattered thunderstorms, which a few of us were excited about, but they never came. We had a late afternoon swim after working and then headed out for dinner and a late night chat. While talking we realized that there were many impactful moments that happened throughout the day…

The first moment that brought tears to my eyes was when it was explained that Isaac was expressing his thanks to the director of the NVI (Edison) for giving him a chance and said “who am I to deserve this love”. What a powerful statement. My heart broke that he didn’t recognize his value and all that he brings to others at NVI. Many questions entered my mind… What must he have experienced to feel so unworthy? Do most people feel this way? Is there a cultural aspect to this? Is it humility? Can he see how much God loves him? Does he have people in his life that help him feel value?

The second moment that stuck with me was when we talked about how many families are separated in Ugandan culture. This could take many forms, such as children going to boarding school, parents remarrying and the children from the previous marriage being sent to live with extended relatives, husbands and wives having jobs 300km away from each other and therefore living in different places while trying to see each other when they have the time and money for the journey, etc. As someone who lives in a different country than my family, I felt the pain of separation they likely feel as they wait for the next moment they’ll be able to see each other again. It’s not easy to live away from family. The sacrifices they make on a daily basis to make their lives better and the lives of their extended emails and children is humbling to witness.

Being here is a truly a reflective and humbling process. It’s an honour and a privilege to experience Uganda.

Much love,

