Pauline's Spotlight
“This is my first trip to Uganda, which has been superbly organized by Ugandaid. There have been so many wonderful and thought-provoking experiences in this first week:
- Meeting the young people and staff at NVI
- Hearing individual stories of disadvantaged young people and how learning a new skill at NVI has transformed their life
- Making ‘Letters and Sounds’ phonic resources with Ness for trainee teachers. A whole variety have been made using plastic bottles and tops, string, scissors, metal beer tops and a marker pen! The phonics training will be delivered later in the week.
- Transforming 2 classrooms and an office at NVI Motor Vehicle section so that young people and their teachers have a decent environment in which to work.
In the week to come I look forward to visiting Walakuba East Primary School with up to 100 children per class (!) a school for the blind and a village outside of Jinja.
The fellowship with my fellow travelling companions has been truly warm and uplifting. Thank you so much Ugandaid for all you have done.”